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Grant Application Insights

Discover tips and tricks to successful grant writing


Featured Insight

Writing grant applications is a time-consuming process.

Discover the benefits of hiring a grant writer and the secrets to winning a grant application. 

Exactly how much you can expect to pay for a grant writer depends on a lot of factors.

Grant Application Insights

A photo of a curious lady

How to Find Grants

A grant can significantly aid business growth but finding suitable ones is challenging. Discover search strategies to ease the process.

Man wearing glasses smiling while looking at laptop

Are You Grant Ready

Grant Readiness is primarily about your organisation’s relevant capabilities and how convincingly you can demonstrate them within a business case.

Curly haired lady smiling with her team in the background

What is a Grant?

Discover everything you need to know about the different types of government grants and how they work.

Frustrated businessman

Why Grant Applications Fail

Discover the deep-seated reasons behind unsuccessful grant applications and unveil the strategies for turning setbacks into successful grant applications.

Humans collaborate with Artificial Intelligence

Grant Writing With AI

Discover tips on using current and emerging AI tools and the ethics of using AI for grant writing.

Young writer having a writer's block, feeling bored and uninspired in front of his computer

DIY Grants Pitfalls

Explore the benefits of hiring a specialist beyond time savings and consider the potential hidden costs of DIY.

Smiling businessman and sustainable business concept

Renewable Energy Grants

Have a better understanding of the renewable energy grants landscape and how to unlock the benefits for your business.

A person using a typewriter

Working With a Grant Writer

Engaging a grant writer can increase your chances of submitting a compelling application. Read on to know our top tips.

A profile picture of Steve Dowling

What's on my mind

Hi, I’m Steve Dowling – founder of GrantHelper. I’m a former champion of marketing and export business development turned business builder.

I do a lot of thinking and reading around grants, strategy, and funding. I send a monthly newsletter with what’s on my mind on this stuff.


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