Terms & Conditions


Dowling Consultancy Pty Ltd trading as Grant Helper Terms and Conditions:


Dowling Consultancy trading as Grant Helper Responsibilities

  • Coordinate workshops to brainstorm information for responses
  • Development of on-line application responses
  • Completion of a project budget and plan, and other documentation as agreed
  • Arrange peer review of submission materials
  • Prepare final version of application in portal by agreement with client 
  • On-line lodgment of submission
  • Assistance with reporting requirements, if necessary

Client Responsibilities

  • Appoint an internal person to liaise with Dowling Consultancy
  • Read, familiarise and ask questions of the program guidelines
  • Attend scheduled meetings as agreed, provide materials and supporting evidence as requested in a timely manner and avoid unnecessary delays
  • Provide open access to all relevant business financial information for grant submission purposes
  • Agree to have workshop sessions recorded to enable enhanced quality write-up
  • Not withhold access to information as deemed relevant for application purposes
  • Not hold Dowling Consultancy Pty Ltd trading as Grant Helper liable in the event of delays caused outside its control
  • Provide Dowling Consultancy Pty Ltd trading as Grant Helper with a copy of the signed and ratified grant where applicable
  • Remains liable for the full success fee in the event a grant is awarded, and the project does not go ahead for what ever reason outside the control of Dowling Consultancy Pty Ltd trading as Grant Helper

Confidentiality and Intellectual Property

  • All participants involved through Dowling Consultancy Pty Ltd trading as Grant Helper will be governed under a Confidentiality Declaration
  • Ownership of draft/final application and all supporting documents created by Dowling Consultancy Pty Ltd trading as Grant Helper remains the property of the client without restriction
A profile picture of Steve Dowling

What's on my mind

Hi, I’m Steve Dowling – founder of GrantHelper. I’m a former champion of marketing and export business development turned business builder.

I do a lot of thinking and reading around grants, strategy, and funding. I send a weekly & monthly newsletter with what’s on my mind on this stuff.


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