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Export Market Development Grants


Grants up to $50,000 for SMEs to promote their goods and services and develop their skills for growing and diversifying their exports in international markets.

Current status of program


To register your interest in future rounds or discuss alternative grant opportunities please contact us here.

What is the Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) Program?

The Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) program is designed to bring benefits to Australia by encouraging the creation, development, expansion and diversification of foreign markets for Australian products. Grants provide targeted assistance to support Australian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) start or expand their export business by funding promotional activities and the developments skills of SMEs and their representative organisations.

Grants will be available in 3 tiers, designed to provide different levels of support during different stages of your export journey:

Tier 1: for eligible SME exporters who:

  • are ready to export in the grant year
  • have not previously exported

Tier 2: for eligible exporters who are:

  • exporting eligible products

Tier 3: for eligible exporters who are:

  • exporting eligible products
  • seeking to expand export promotion activity

EMDG level of support

All eligible applicants will receive a grant from the available funds in each round. The total funding for this grant program per year is divided amongst eligible applicants.


Maximum grant amounts:

  • Tier 1 – up to $10,000 per financial year
  • Tier 2 – up to $18,000 per financial year
  • Tier 3 – up to $28,000 per financial year

Maximum 50% of total costs

Maximum of 8 years funding per applicant (capped at $770,000)


  • Minimum 50% of total costs

EMDG important dates

  • This program is currently closed
  • Register your interest here with GrantHelper

EMDG important details that you will need to know

The intended outcome of the EMDG program is increased export promotion for eligible products in foreign markets by grant recipients.

To be eligible, you must have a total turnover of less than $20 million in the financial year before the financial year in which you are making an application.

For Tier 1 you will need to be ready to start exporting. For Tiers 2 and 3 you will have already exported and must show you are expanding your marketing activities. Tier 3 applicants will also show they are making a strategic shift in their marketing or promotional activities.

If you are a representative body, you are able to access a grant to:

  • enable you to undertake promotional activities on behalf of your members in foreign markets
  • help you provide training to your members to help them become export ready


There is no limit on the number of times you can apply for a grant, however, you can only have one grant agreement operating at a time.

To be eligible for a EMDG grant you must be one of the following:

  • an individual whose principal place of residence is in Australia
  • a body incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001
  • an association, or cooperative, incorporated under an Australian law
  • a partnership that is Australian
  • a trust that is Australian within the meaning of the EMDG Rules
  • a body corporate established for a public purpose by or under an Australian law
  • a representative body


Partnerships and trusts are treated as if they are persons under the Export Market Development Grants Legislation Amendment Act 2020, but with the changes set out in sections 105A and 105B of the Act.

At the time you apply for a grant, and at all times while you are a grantee, you must have an ABN and have complied with all the relevant ATO legislation, rulings and guidelines.

You must not:

  • have any outstanding disqualifying convictions
  • be under insolvency administration
  • be included on the National Redress Scheme’s list of ‘Institutions that have not joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme


See the guidelines for full details of eligible organisations and the requirements.

EMDG grant funds must be used for promotional activities to market eligible products in foreign countries or for training activities to develop skills in such marketing.

To be an eligible product, your product(s) must be of substantially Australian origin and be:

  • goods
  • services
  • events
  • intellectual property or know-how
  • software


See the guidelines for full details of eligible and ineligible products.

All expenses must relate to promotional activities to market your eligible products in foreign countries, or training activities to develop skills in such marketing.

Your expenses are eligible where:

  • they are in respect of promotional activities undertaken during the period of your Grant Agreement for the purpose of marketing eligible products in foreign countries and you have a designated connection to the eligible product, or
  • if you are a Tier 1 or representative body grantee, training activities undertaken for the purpose of developing skills in marketing eligible products in foreign countries


Eligible expenses must fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • Maintaining a representative in a foreign country
  • Short trips to a foreign country
  • Consultants
  • Short trips within Australia
  • Foreign buyer visits
  • Soliciting for business in a foreign country
  • Free samples
  • Promotional and advertising material
  • IP rights
  • Training activities – representative bodies
  • Training activities – Tier 1 applicants


Ineligible expenses are as follows:

  • Expenses covered by other financial assistance schemes and grant programs
  • The sale or export of products that contravenes Australian law
  • Soliciting sponsorship for events
  • Capital expenses
  • Trade with New Zealand
  • Paid expenses
  • Government costs
  • Sales-related expenses
  • Remuneration and remuneration-like expenses
  • Illegal activities
  • Detrimental impact
  • Grant writing expenses


See the guidelines for full details of eligible and ineligible products.

All SME exporters must provide a:

  • Profit and Loss Statement from the most recent financial year
  • Plan to Market submission (template available)


Applicants that have goods and services made outside Australia will also need to provide a Balance Sheet for the most recent financial year.

Tier 1 applicants will need to provide evidence of export readiness, through a declaration that you have:

  • completed any suitable export readiness training course, or
  • used Austrade’s export readiness assessment tool and believed you are ready to export


You must also declare that you have not previously exported.

All Tier 2 and 3 applicants must also provide documentary evidence for your most recent export sale of an eligible product.

All SME exporters operated by a trust must provide a Trust Deed including any amendments (if applicable) and including current trustee details.

All SME exporters with goods made outside Australia must provide a Goods made outside Australia eligibility submission (template available).

All SME exporters with services other than tourism must provide a Service product eligibility submission (template available).

Representative bodies must provide Representative body submission (template available).

See the guidelines for full details of information requirements.

Applications are submitted via the EMDG application portal, which uses the Australian Government Digital Identity System to verify users.

Book a no obligation discovery session with GrantHelper to explore your alignment with this grant and how we can assist you to increase your chances of success.

EMDG assessment criteria

EMDG is an eligibility-based grant program. This means that all SME exporters who apply and are assessed as eligible will receive a grant.

EMDG resources

How do I get the EMDG?

You should read and understand the guidelines.

You need to ensure you are eligible for the funding. Applicants that do not meet all the eligibility criteria outlined above will not be considered.

I need help applying for grants

Our Insights showcase some of the grant-winning methods we employ at GrantHelper, and they will help you create a stronger grant application. But no matter how well prepared you are, winning grants takes time—something we know many business owners and directors just don’t have. And that’s why we’re here to help.

GrantHelper can assist with your organisation’s next grant application, no matter what stage of the funding journey you’re at.

Our in-depth eBook is the single most valuable resource you will find that helps organisations to truly understand how to win government grants.

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Download our eBook to discover grant-winning secrets

Our free eBook features 10 chapters of expert advice, professional tips and more to help you do better with grants, whether you’re new to the process or you’ve applied before.

Get your copy of the Guide to Winning Grants now.

Is your business eligible for this government grant?

Or perhaps you’re not sure and want to know more?

GrantHelper offers a range of government grant services, helping businesses of all sizes to discover, apply for, and win the best grant opportunities. We can help you with anything from finding the right grants, to writing your application, formulating an ongoing grant strategy, and more.

Get started now by filling in the form below, or tap the ‘Book a Discovery Call’ button to schedule a no-obligation virtual meeting with an experienced government grants consultant.

Prefer to talk? Call 0409 478 850 now for a no-obligation discussion. We’re here to help your business better understand grants, submit your best possible application, and get you in the winners’ circle.

Check out some of the clients we’ve helped and what they had to say about us.


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Table of Contents

A profile picture of Steve Dowling

What's on my mind

Hi, I’m Steve Dowling – founder of GrantHelper. I’m a former champion of marketing and export business development turned business builder.

I do a lot of thinking and reading around grants, strategy, and funding. I send a monthly newsletter with what’s on my mind on this stuff.


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