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Defence Grants


This article contains introductory information on the Office of Defence Industry Support (ODIS), the Australian Defence Export Office, and currently available defence grant opportunities for defence industry businesses.

Office of Defence Industry Support (ODIS)

Australia’s Office of Defence Industry Support (ODIS) is the one-stop-shop for Defence industry support and guidance.

The core function of ODIS, through its offices around Australia, is to provide advisory, guidance and mentoring services to SMEs. ODIS offers a range of grants for businesses in the defence sector to upskill, expand, access new and existing supply chains, or deliver products and services that support specific strategic goals.

The ODIS has the following key services:

  • Specialist defence business advice, increasing the competitiveness of Australian Defence SME partners so they have the capability to integrate into supply chains and grow to become competitive providers.
  • Direct linkages to Defence procurement programs through proactively identifying needs of Defence capability managers and delivery groups.
  • Identify current SMEs who can meet Defence needs in the short term and assist to build the capability of Defence industry.
  • Direct linkages to Defence end users to support innovative industry initiatives.
  • Assist SMEs to work with end users, Defence projects and industry programs to support greater innovative industry outcomes.
  • Tailor grants to assist the development of SMEs to meet Defence requirements in the short, medium and long terms.

Australian Defence Export Office

The Australian Defence Export Office provides support to Australian defence businesses that are not yet export ready or are still identifying key target markets.

Learn more about each of the defence industry grant opportunities in the following drop down sections.

This grant opportunity supports companies designated Assigned-Product Support Providers (A-PSPs) for F-35 maintenance and repair activities in the Joint Strike Fighter program.

Grants are for US DoD-approved Australian companies who are developing a Depot Maintenance Activation Plan (DMAP), for maintenance and repair activities for existing components used in the Joint Strike Fighter.

Who is this grant for and what do you get?

This grant is only available to Australian companies that have been assigned maintenance and repair activities for existing components of the Joint Strike Fighter Program by the US Government.

Eligible companies can win grants of between $50,000–$250,000, up to 50% of eligible expenditure for phase 1 and 2 of the program. Funding for phases 3 and 4 will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Department of Defence. The maximum project duration is four years.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible you must:

  • be an A-PSP developing and/or implementing a DMAP
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • be registered for the Goods and Services Tax (GST).


and be one of the following entities:

  • an entity, incorporated in Australia
  • an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust.


Learn more details about the JSP-ISP Sustainment Grants

This grant provides funding to develop new or improved capabilities to win work in the production and modernisation phases of the Joint Strike Fighter Program.

The intended outcomes are a strong, skilled and successful defence industry that:

  • is committed to increase, identify and make the most of business opportunities within Australia and overseas
  • has improved competitiveness by developing skills of the workforce, fostering innovation and boosting productivity.


Closing date: Friday 30 June 2028 5:00pm AEST

Who is it for?

An Australian company, university, research organisation or cooperative research centre.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible you must:

  • have an Australian business number (ABN)
  • be registered for the goods and services tax (GST).


You must be one of the following entities:

  • an entity, incorporated in Australia
  • an Australian university
  • a publicly funded research organisation (PFRO)
  • a cooperative research centre.


You must provide:

  • evidence of ownership, access to, or the beneficial use of, any intellectual property necessary to carry out the project
  • evidence from your board (or chief executive officer or equivalent if there is no board) that the project is supported, and that you can complete the project and meet the costs of the project not covered by grant funding
  • an Accountant Declaration that confirms you can fund your share of the project costs.


Learn more about the Joint Strike Fighter Industry Support Program – Production and Modernisation Grants

The Defence Industry Development Grant program is a pivotal new initiative by the Australian Department of Defence designed to bolster the nation’s defence sector. This program specifically supports eligible Australian businesses aiming to enhance their capabilities in four key areas: Sovereign Industrial Priorities, Exports, Skilling, and Security.

See our separate post Defence Industry Development Grant for all the details of this grant program.

Defence grant resources

Need help applying for grants?

Our Insights showcase some of the grant-winning methods we employ at GrantHelper, and they will help you create a stronger grant application. But no matter how well prepared you are, winning grants takes time—something we know many business owners and directors just don’t have. And that’s why we’re here to help.

GrantHelper can assist with your organisation’s next grant application, no matter what stage of the funding journey you’re at.

Our in-depth eBook is the single most valuable resource you will find that helps organisations to truly understand how to win government grants.

A person holding a tablet device displaying the GrantHelper Guide to Winning Grants eBook on its screen.

Download our eBook to discover grant-winning secrets

Our free eBook features 10 chapters of expert advice, professional tips and more to help you do better with grants, whether you’re new to the process or you’ve applied before.

Get your copy of the Guide to Winning Grants now.

Is your business eligible for this government grant? Or perhaps you’re not sure and want to know more?

GrantHelper offers a range of government grant services, helping businesses of all sizes to discover, apply for, and win the best grant opportunities. We can help you with anything from finding the right grants, to writing your application, formulating an ongoing grant strategy, and more.

Get started now by filling in the form below, or tap the ‘Book a Discovery Call’ button to schedule a no-obligation virtual meeting with an experienced government grants consultant.

Prefer to talk? Call 0409 478 850 now for a no-obligation discussion. We’re here to help your business better understand grants, submit your best possible application, and get you in the winners’ circle.

Check out some of the clients we’ve helped and what they had to say


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Table of Contents

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What's on my mind

Hi, I’m Steve Dowling – founder of GrantHelper. I’m a former champion of marketing and export business development turned business builder.

I do a lot of thinking and reading around grants, strategy, and funding. I send a monthly newsletter with what’s on my mind on this stuff.


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