$1.3 Million Grant Helps NSW Sous Vide Meat Processor to Innovate & Expand


Company: Meyer Food Co. Pty Ltd
Project title: Evolving Sous Vide Cooking System with advanced technology food processing
Category: Food Manufacturing

The company

Meyer Food Co. (formerly Bryopin), is Australia’s largest dedicated sous vide foods manufacturer, specialising in Ribs, Shanks, and other prepared meat products.

Taking a scientific and modern approach to food production, Meyer Food Co. (MFC) employs the sous vide method, a French precision cooking technique invented in the 1970s which provides unrivalled levels of control when cooking meats.

Since 1988, the company has pioneered sous vide meat cooking, and today, the business remains family-owned and operated, employing over 100 staff in NSW and with a vision to bring good food to every plate.

The project

During a discussion with local Government, MFC was introduced to the Jobs Plus Program, which offers a variety of financial support including rebates of up to 50% for capital expenditure on infrastructure.

The project titled RSx3 encompasses searing, slicing and sous vide, with automation and robotics, enabling Meyer Food Co. to produce never-before-seen food innovations.

Following an initial engagement with GrantHelper for the Modern Manufacturing Initiative (MMI) grant support, MFC decided to seek GrantHelper’s assistance to bring its novel food manufacturing process, RSx3, to the forefront of its Jobs Plus grant application.

The challenge

Applying for grant support for a $14 million investment seemed like a no-brainer, but we also needed to ensure there was proper alignment to the program objectives. This presented a challenge as there was no immediately obvious alignment between project and program.

We had to demonstrate to the funding body how its support would contribute to a significantly increased investment and a more economically beneficial project outcome, while also showing how the grant would support the creation of 30 jobs.

Our solutions

Starting with a focus on the financials, the executive team and experienced Grant Consultant, Steve Dowling, itemised all project activities and associated costs. We also formulated a detailed marketing plan and precise financial modelling to create certainty in the minds of the grant assessors.

All members of MFC’s executive team contributed, helping to assemble supporting documents covering evidence of demand, market opportunity, technology innovations, intellectual property, return on investment and many more details discussed in the project feasibility study. This study formed the backbone of the business case, and it was agreed that the RSx3 process would be the project’s unique value proposition.

GrantHelper then used analytical skills to draw out the most salient points before creating the responses, which spoke to economic impact, supply chain impact, job creation, commercial opportunity and organisational track record. As always, we employed a mix of technical and creative writing skills to write responses that painted the right picture for the grant assessors.

The executive team then performed a review before we added final touches and made the submission.


With GrantHelper’s assistance, Meyer Food Co. secured a $1.36 million infrastructure and payroll tax rebate from the NSW Jobs Plus Program.

The grant supports implementation of MFC’s innovative RSx3 process, which enables the introduction of hundreds of new offerings to the marketplace — it’s the culmination of the company’s extensive experience, continuous R&D, and customer consultation.

Positive outcomes include more jobs for people in NSW, plus increased production efficiency, yields, productivity and new food innovations, and improved access to export markets.

Steve from GrantHelper made the submission process simple and easy. We would meet, strategise and he would ask a lot of questions. He helped write up the plans and we would critique them together. He kept things moving along ensuring we covered everything on time. The end result was a strong application that was compelling for the department and good for the business. Steve added experience and guidance that we wouldn’t have had without him.

Anthony Meyer – Managing Director, Meyer Food Co.

What made this grant project unique?

Not many grant submissions require a detailed feasibility study. A lot of time and effort went into compiling this document, which became the centrepiece of the grant application. This study required an investigation into multiple facets of Meyer Food Co.’s business, and the careful handling of highly sensitive confidential information.

Coinciding with the grant project was the implementation of MFC’s new consolidated food manufacturing premises which brings 14 disparate sites together under one roof, and features Industry 4.0 capability. It was important to work out how this led to value for MFC and its customer bases.

Is your organisation eligible for a grant?

GrantHelper can assist with your organisation’s next grant application, no matter what stage of the funding journey you’re at.


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What's on my mind

Hi, I’m Steve Dowling – founder of GrantHelper. I’m a former champion of marketing and export business development turned business builder.

I do a lot of thinking and reading around grants, strategy, and funding. I send a weekly & monthly newsletter with what’s on my mind on this stuff.


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