Unlocking $25K in Energy Grants for Multiple SMEs


Client: Multiple clients
Project title: Energy Efficiency Grants for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
Category: Manufacturing

The grant

In 2022, the Australian Government announced that a total of $40 million would be made available over four years to assist businesses and community organisations to improve energy efficiency practices and technologies.

As part of this, Energy Efficiency Grants of up to $25,000 for up to 100% of eligible project expenditure are offered in an ongoing series of opportunities.

This grant program is administered by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). Another round of opportunities is anticipated by the end of 2023.

The challenge

Like most government grants, this program is extremely competitive, so many owners and directors of SMEs will be anxious to understand how to avoid missing out.

To date, both rounds under this program have attracted massive interest from grant seekers which has resulted in the opportunity being well oversubscribed. This trend is expected to continue in future rounds.

With an estimated average success rate of just 10% for Australian government grants, submitting an application that will cut through the noise is paramount. For the Energy Efficiency grants, timeliness is also of the essence.

Our solutions

Here are nine reasons organisations choose GrantHelper:

  1. Grant writing expertise: We know how grantors think and we articulate your business’ requirements in their language
  2. Time savings: A grant application is a time-eating monster that will devour your days, nights and weekends — if you tackle it yourself
  3. Understand eligibility: We determine that your project and all activities are eligible as part of our standard procedures
  4. Strategic planning: If you have long-term expansion plans, we can help you formulate a grant strategy that you can leverage for ongoing support
  5. Quality assurance: We audit your application to ensure it is free from errors that could trigger a disqualification
  6. Specialised knowledge: We offer a deep understanding of various sectors of industry including manufacturing, agriculture, technology, health and many more
  7. Avoid pitfalls: We help you avoid common mistakes that cause many applications to fail
  8. Cost-effectiveness: Even accounting for your upfront investment in our service, if we are successful your potential ROI will be highly attractive
  9. Focus on what you do best: We become an extra resource and carry the application burden; you retain capacity for your core business.


Here are some of the clients we have assisted to Energy Efficiency Grant wins:

  • Domain Chandon (Yarra Valley, VIC): $25,000 for an energy audit
  • Bootleggers Gin Distillery (Longlea, VIC): $12,000 for new air-conditioning units
  • Authentic Mexican Foods (Heidelberg, VIC): $25,000 for production line exhaust systems
  • Ostra Distillers (Robinvale, VIC): $25,000 for boiler flue gas monitoring devices
  • Two-Shores Resort (The Entrance, NSW): $25,000 towards installing double glazed windows
  • E-Bisglobal (Tuggerah, NSW): $25,000 for modern inverter air-conditioning compressor
  • Hillston Motor Inn (Hillston, NSW): $25,000 towards reverse cycle air-conditioning upgrades

Not only did GrantHelper assist these businesses to $162,000 combined, the funding secured also positively impacted business operations and helped to lower costs.

What made this grant project a success?

We can’t overemphasise the need for timely actions to win support from this fiercely competitive grant opportunity. We have already seen that businesses that respond and act immediately win out over those that fail to react quickly enough.

Your success will hinge on immediate action in deciding what activity you want support for, obtaining supplier costs, and avoiding any delays in reviewing our draft write-up.

You should anticipate responding to communications the same day or following morning — delays will cause you to miss out.

Is your organisation eligible for an Energy Efficiency grant?

GrantHelper can assist with your organisation’s next grant application, no matter what stage of the funding journey you’re at.


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A profile picture of Steve Dowling

What's on my mind

Hi, I’m Steve Dowling – founder of GrantHelper. I’m a former champion of marketing and export business development turned business builder.

I do a lot of thinking and reading around grants, strategy, and funding. I send a weekly & monthly newsletter with what’s on my mind on this stuff.


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