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Screen Australia Grants


Grants to support a wide range of projects, including drama, documentary, and various special initiatives aimed at promoting Australian screen stories both domestically and internationally.

What is the Screen Australia Grants (SAG)?

Screen Australia is an independent agency of the Federal Government that funds the creation of Australian screen content for cinema, television, and online platforms. The agency supports a wide range of projects, including drama, documentary, and various special initiatives aimed at promoting Australian screen stories both domestically and internationally.

SAG level of support

Funding is provided based on the needs of the project, industry rates, and the intended audience.

Screen Australia offers funding across various stages of content creation:

  • Development: Includes script drafting and proof-of-concept teasers.
  • Production: Covers the filming phase of a project.
  • Completion: Provides funds for editing and other post-production needs.
  • Distribution: Also known as Print and Advertising (P&A) funding, used to market films (not available for TV and online content).

Screen Australia also has a whole range of other funding opportunities including:

  • The Enterprise Program: Funds individuals to advance their careers and helps Australian screen businesses diversify.
  • Attachments: Short-term paid placements on specific productions to help creators gain on-set experience.
  • Funding to support: Australian film festivals, events, and screen industry guilds.
  • International Support: Helps creatives attend international festivals, markets, and events to attract attention to their Australian works.
  • Targeted Funding: For specific parts of the screen sector, such as programs by the First Nations Department (covering development and production for Indigenous-led stories) or Gender Matters for women.
  • Special Initiatives: Announced throughout the year and vary from helping more experienced creators connect with the global industry (e.g., Talent USA, Mentor LA), to assisting new creators in obtaining funding for their stories (e.g., VidCon Pitcher Perfect, Google Skip Ahead, Vice Pitch Australiana, ABC Fresh Blood).
  • Bespoke Programs: To help new creators up-skill (e.g., Developing the Developer, Talent Camp).

Additionally, Screen Australia supports a variety of projects across different genres and formats, ensuring a diverse range of Australian stories are told.

SAG important dates

  • Funding opportunities are available throughout the year. Applicants should regularly check the Screen Australia Deadlines page for the most current information.
  • Register your interest with GrantHelper.

SAG objectives

Screen Australia’s primary objectives are:

  • To fund high-quality, culturally significant screen content.
  • To promote Australian screen stories domestically and internationally.
  • To support a diverse range of voices and stories within the Australian screen industry.

Projects eligible for SAG support

Eligible projects include:

  • Drama: Scripted narratives across genres like comedy, sci-fi, and action. Screen Australia supports a wide range of drama projects, from feature films and television series to web series and short films.
  • Documentary: Projects that explore real-life stories and issues. This excludes reality TV, news, current affairs, and travel shows. Supported documentary projects can be for cinema, television, or online platforms.
  • Online Content: Innovative and engaging content specifically designed for online platforms. This includes web series and other forms of digital storytelling.
  • Children’s Content: Projects that are specifically aimed at young audiences, ensuring the representation of Australian stories for children.
  • Animation: Both drama and documentary animation projects are eligible for funding, supporting the rich tradition of Australian animation.
  • Indigenous Stories: Projects led by Indigenous creators that reflect the diversity and richness of Indigenous cultures and experiences.
  • Multiplatform Projects: Content that is designed to be experienced across multiple platforms, enhancing audience engagement and interaction.

See the guidelines for full details of projects eligible for SAG support.

Other SAG important details that you will need to know

Eligibility varies by funding stage and program. Generally, applicants must be Australian, and the story must be told by a majority Australian creative team.

Specific requirements are detailed in the guidelines for each funding program.

The assessment criteria include:

  • The cultural and creative significance of the project.
  • The project’s potential to reach and engage audiences.
  • The experience and capability of the creative team.
  • The feasibility and sustainability of the project plan and budget.


See the guidelines for full details of the assessment criteria.

To obtain funding from Screen Australia:

  • Identify the fund that best meets your needs.
  • Read the guidelines and any supporting documents.
  • Ensure eligibility for the funding. Applicants that do not meet all the eligibility criteria will not be considered.
  • Prepare your application with all required information.


Prepare the following:

  • A detailed project description.
  • A budget outline.
  • Supporting materials such as scripts or proof-of-concept teasers.
  • Information about the creative team and their experience.


See the guidelines for full details of information requirements.

Submit your application online through the Screen Australia website.

Register your interest with GrantHelper to explore your alignment with this grant and how we can assist you to increase your chances of success.

SAG resources

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Hi, I’m Steve Dowling – founder of GrantHelper. I’m a former champion of marketing and export business development turned business builder.

I do a lot of thinking and reading around grants, strategy, and funding. I send a monthly newsletter with what’s on my mind on this stuff.


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