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Chinese Community Infrastructure Fund


Up to $400,000 to upgrade or build community facilities, supporting Victoria’s Chinese community organisations with safe, accessible spaces to gather, share their culture, and thrive.

What is the Chinese Community Infrastructure Fund?

The Victorian Government has announced the launch of the 2024–25 Chinese Community Infrastructure Fund (CCIF), aimed at supporting Victoria’s diverse Chinese community organisations. This grant will provide financial assistance to upgrade, renovate, extend, or construct community facilities to ensure that Chinese Victorians have safe, accessible places to gather, share their culture, and thrive.

CCIF level of support

  • Minimum Funding Amount: Not specified
  • Maximum Funding Amount: Up to $400,000

Co-Contribution Requirement: For metropolitan Melbourne organisations: 1:2 matched funding (for every $2 of government funding, $1 must be contributed by the organisation).

For regional and rural projects: No matched funding required.

CCIF important dates

CCIF objectives

The CCIF aims to provide support to Chinese community organisations across Victoria to improve their community facilities. The focus is on creating inclusive spaces that allow Chinese Victorians to celebrate their culture and traditions, build social connections, and thrive in all aspects of life. The grant is designed to cater to the needs of community members regardless of age, ability, or location.

Projects and expenditure eligible for CCIF support

Eligible projects for CCIF funding include:

  • Construction of new facilities or upgrade of existing Chinese community facilities.
  • Renovations such as kitchen, bathroom upgrades, accessibility improvements, and security features like CCTV and fencing.
  • Pre-construction activities, including feasibility studies, business case development, and architectural design.
  • Energy efficiency improvements, such as solar power installations and double glazing.

Ineligible expenditures:

  • Purchase of land, property, or unfixed assets like phones, computers, or sporting equipment.
  • Projects on privately owned properties that are not accessible to the public.
  • Recurrent costs such as rent, utilities, and staff salaries.
  • Political or religious activities, unless the facility is accessible for broader community use.

Other Chinese Community Infrastructure Fund important details that you will need to know

To be eligible for CCIF funding, organisations must:

  • Be a not-for-profit Chinese community organisation registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) or Consumer Affairs Victoria.
  • Hold a valid Australian Business Number (ABN).
  • Be incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) or the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic).


Auspice arrangements are allowed for organisations that are not incorporated or do not have an ABN, provided they partner with an eligible auspice organisation.

The application process is competitive and merit-based, with priority given to projects located in regional and rural Victoria. The following criteria will be used to assess applications:

  1. Project Scope and Alignment (30%): The project must clearly demonstrate the community’s need and how it aligns with the program’s objectives to support Victoria’s Chinese communities.
  2. Meeting Priority Needs (20%): Projects located in regional or rural Victoria will receive extra points. These areas often lack the resources for infrastructure projects, and this priority helps address that gap.
  3. Value for Public Money (20%): Applications must demonstrate cost-effectiveness and long-term community benefit, with considerations such as project scale and financial stability of the applicant organisation.
  4. Project Feasibility and Organisational Capability (30%): The application must show that the project is well-planned, with clear timelines, contractor quotes, and a breakdown of funding needs. The applicant organisation should also demonstrate experience in project management and financial viability.


Applicants must:

  • Read and understand the guidelines.
  • Ensure eligibility for the funding. Applicants that do not meet all the eligibility criteria will not be considered.
  • Demonstrate a strong alignment with the fund’s objectives.
  • Provide complete information requirements.


Applicants will need to prepare the following documents:

  • A detailed Project Plan outlining activities, contractors, and timelines.
  • Quotes from contractors for all activities.
  • A Timetable of Facility Use, showing current community activities at the facility.
  • Evidence of Matched or Additional Funding (if applicable).
  • Public Liability Insurance with a minimum of $10 million coverage.
  • Land Title or Lease Agreement with written permission for any works.
  • For projects over $75,000: Planning and Building Permit evidence.


See the guidelines for more details of information requirements.

Applications must be submitted through the Chinese Community Infrastructure Fund website.

Register your interest with GrantHelper to explore your alignment with this grant and how we can assist you to increase your chances of success.

CCIF resources

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