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Building Blocks Grants


Building Blocks is the Victorian Government’s three-year-old kindergarten infrastructure strategy.

What is the Building Blocks Grants (BBG) program

Building Blocks Grants (BBG) bring together new and existing grant streams into one integrated grants program that will support the roll-out of Three-Year-Old Kindergarten across the state throughout this decade and assist the sector to meet ongoing growth in demand for Four-Year-Old Kindergarten.
Building Blocks makes it easier for the sector to seek state co-investment in their facilities, providing greater certainty, greater flexibility and greater investment.

The BBG program aims to contribute to high-quality early years programs by:

  • the building or expanding kindergartens so there are more places for three and four-year-old children
  • helping integrate community services at kindergartens so families can access early childhood education and care, health and development and family services in one place
  • improving access to local and responsive early childhood services for children from vulnerable or disadvantaged families
  • building kindergartens at, or next to, schools

The BBG program has four grant streams:

  • Planning stream
  • Capacity building stream
  • Improvement stream
  • Inclusion stream

What is the difference between grant streams?

Planning stream

This stream provides grants up to $150,000 for pre-construction work on kindergarten building projects that support the roll-out of three-year-old kindergarten across Victoria. This might include designing, developing the scope or calculating construction costs of the project.

The planning stream is for applicants who will be applying for a construction Building Blocks grant once planning is complete.

Capacity building stream

This stream provides funding up to $9 million for projects that create additional infrastructure capacity for funded Three and Four-Year-Old Kindergarten programs by building new or expanding existing infrastructure. There are four grant categories in this stream:

  • Integrated Children’s Centre
  • New Early Learning Facility
  • Modular Kindergarten Facilities
  • Expansion

GrantHelper Success
GrantHelper assisted Heatherdale Pre-school based in Mitcham secure a $600,000 expansion grant to fund building an extension to the existing facility to accommodate more children. Check out the story on our client showcase page

Improvement stream

This stream provides grant funding up to $750,000 for upgrades and minor expansions to existing early years facilities and investment in IT equipment.

There are three grant categories in this stream:

  • Early Learning Facility Upgrades
  • Minor Infrastructure
  • Information Technology

Inclusion stream

This stream provides grants up to $200,000 for upgrades of existing facilities and the purchase of equipment to provide safe and inclusive environments for children of all needs.

There are two grant categories in this stream:

  • Building and Playgrounds
  • Equipment

See the resources section below for links to separate GrantHelper posts and the funding guidelines for each stream for further details.

BBG important details that you will need to know

BBG grants are open to all LGAs and not-for-profit providers across Victoria. Applications are welcome from all such partners in advance of the development of a Kindergarten Infrastructure and Services Plan (KISP) with each LGA. A KISP will allow the Department of Education and Training and an LGA to share information and agree on current supply and demand for funded kindergarten, forecast demand and how demand growth will be accommodated.

While a KISP is not a funding document and would not commit any party to funding specific projects, it is expected that future investment requests through Building Blocks and decisions about any LGA or not-for-profit projects would align with the relevant KISP.

Eligible applicants can engage with the grants process at any time, with multiple assessment and announcement processes planned each year.

LGAs and service providers will now also be able to submit funding applications to DET for the capacity building stream at any point in their planning cycles. The capacity building stream will be assessed semi-annually. Urgent requests can be raised with DET at any time.

See the resources section below for links to separate GrantHelper posts and the funding guidelines for each stream for full details of application and assessment dates and processes.

Book a no obligation discovery session with GrantHelper to explore your alignment with this grant and how we can assist you to increase your chances of success.

BBG Program outcomes

The Victorian Government has invested $5.3 million for early childhood infrastructure for 2020 and 2021 roll-out areas, in consultation with LGAs and services.

Funded projects

Below is a sample of funded projects.

Learning facilityGrant streamProjectGrant
Golden Square KindergartenCapacityExpansion for at least 66 new places$833,362
Greenville KindergartenCapacityExpansion for 31 new places$453,000
Mansfield KindergartenImprovementRestoration and expansion of Mechanics Institute building$300,000
Gunditjmara Aboriginal Co-operativePlanningPlanning of integrated children’s centre$150,000
West Maddingley Early Years & Community HubCapacityBuilding of an integrated children’s centre$2 million
Dandenong Ranges Steiner School KindergartenImprovementBuilding of new office and meeting room$131,098
Joy Avenue PreschoolInclusionImprovements to outdoor play space to make it more inclusive$199,400

BBG Program resources

I need help applying for grants

Our Insights showcase some of the grant-winning methods we employ at GrantHelper, and they will help you create a stronger grant application. But no matter how well prepared you are, winning grants takes time—something we know many business owners and directors just don’t have. And that’s why we’re here to help.

GrantHelper can assist with your organisation’s next grant application, no matter what stage of the funding journey you’re at.

Our in-depth eBook is the single most valuable resource you will find that helps organisations to truly understand how to win government grants.

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Download our eBook to discover grant-winning secrets

Our free eBook features 10 chapters of expert advice, professional tips and more to help you do better with grants, whether you’re new to the process or you’ve applied before.

Get your copy of the Guide to Winning Grants now.

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Or perhaps you’re not sure and want to know more?

GrantHelper offers a range of government grant services, helping businesses of all sizes to discover, apply for, and win the best grant opportunities. We can help you with anything from finding the right grants, to writing your application, formulating an ongoing grant strategy, and more.

Get started now by filling in the form below, or tap the ‘Book a Discovery Call’ button to schedule a no-obligation virtual meeting with an experienced government grants consultant.

Prefer to talk? Call 0409 478 850 now for a no-obligation discussion. We’re here to help your business better understand grants, submit your best possible application, and get you in the winners’ circle.

Check out some of the clients we’ve helped and what they had to say about us.


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What's on my mind

Hi, I’m Steve Dowling – founder of GrantHelper. I’m a former champion of marketing and export business development turned business builder.

I do a lot of thinking and reading around grants, strategy, and funding. I send a monthly newsletter with what’s on my mind on this stuff.


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