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Clinical Trials Activity


Grants improving evidence base supporting clinical care, helping patients access trials relevant to their health, and enabling researchers to bring international trials to Australian patients.

What is the Clinical Trials Activity?

The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Clinical Trials Activity Grant Opportunity (2024) aims to support health and medical research projects through funding clinical trials focused on improving health outcomes for Australians. The initiative targets critical areas such as rare cancers, rare diseases, and effective health interventions, ensuring Australians have access to cutting-edge healthcare and evidence-based treatments. This grant provides opportunities to bring innovative international trials to Australia, contributing to improved quality of care and health outcomes.

Clinical Trials Activity level of support

Funding is available under four streams, each with different purposes and funding limits:

  • Stream 1: Maximum funding of up to $0.8 million for pilot studies assessing the feasibility of new clinical trials for rare diseases, rare cancers, or unmet health needs.
  • Stream 2: Maximum funding of up to $5 million for clinical trials focused on rare diseases, rare cancers, or unmet health needs.
  • Stream 3: Maximum funding of up to $5 million for comparative effectiveness trials assessing the value of two or more health interventions.
  • Stream 4: Maximum funding of up to $5 million for implementation science trials to determine the best ways to implement proven health interventions.

There is no minimum grant amount specified, and co-contribution is not required for this grant opportunity.

Clinical Trials Activity important dates

  • Minimum Data Due: 5 March 2025 (5:00 pm ACT local time)
  • Application Closing Date: 2 April 2025 (5:00 pm ACT local time)
  • Register your interest with GrantHelper

Clinical Trials Activity objectives

The main objectives of the Clinical Trials Activity Grant are:

  1. Advance Health Research: Enhance the evidence base for clinical care and facilitate innovative approaches to treatment through high-quality clinical trials.
  2. Address Unmet Needs: Focus on rare cancers, rare diseases, and unmet health needs where limited treatment options currently exist.
  3. Enable Comparative Research: Improve health outcomes by assessing the effectiveness of health interventions to help policymakers, clinicians, and consumers make informed decisions.

Activities and expenditure eligible for Clinical Trials Activity support

Eligible projects under this grant include clinical trials that address one or more of the following:

  • Rare cancers, rare diseases, and unmet health needs: This includes pilot studies and full-scale trials aimed at improving treatment options and health outcomes for Australians affected by these conditions.
  • Comparative effectiveness research: Projects that compare the benefits and harms of different treatment options or health interventions.
  • Implementation science trials: Projects aimed at understanding the best ways to implement proven health interventions, including preventive health measures, screening, or diagnostic tests.

Ineligible Expenditure: The grant money cannot be used for the indirect costs of research (such as general organisational overheads), computers and software for general use, ethics approval costs, health insurance, personal memberships of professional organisations, or costs associated with overseas travel beyond what is necessary for the research.

See the guidelines for full details of activities and expenditure eligible for CTA support.

Other Clinical Trials Activity important details that you will need to know

Eligible applicants must be approved Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Eligible Organisations, such as universities, medical research institutes, and public health services. Applications from consortia are also encouraged, provided they have a lead organisation eligible to apply.

Projects must primarily be conducted in Australia, although components requiring specific resources not available in Australia may be conducted overseas (limited to 10% of total funding).

Applications will be assessed based on the following criteria:

1. Project Impact (40% weighting): The degree to which the project will contribute to advances in health outcomes, practice, and policy in Australia, and alignment with MRFF priorities.

  • Applicants must demonstrate how their project will address health priorities and involve consumers, such as patients and community members, throughout the research process.


2. Project Methodology (30% weighting): The quality and feasibility of the proposed research design, including clarity of research questions, methodological rigour, and project governance.

  • Clinical trials must clearly describe trial design, participant recruitment, and statistical approaches.


3. Capacity, Capability, and Resources to Deliver the Project (30% weighting): The skills, knowledge, and experience of the research team, as well as the involvement of partner organisations.

  • Demonstrate a mix of expertise, including consumer involvement and partner contributions.


4. Overall Value and Risk of the Project: Assessed without weighting, this criterion considers the appropriateness of the budget, risk management strategies, and the project’s alignment with MRFF priorities.

You should read and understand the guidelines.

You need to ensure you are eligible for the funding. Applicants that do not meet all the eligibility criteria outlined above will not be considered.

To be competitive for funding:

  • Applicants must describe how their proposed project aligns with the objectives and outcomes of the program
  • Applicants must demonstrate and clearly articulate alignment in response to the assessment criteria
  • Applications must satisfy all the requirements set out in the guidelines


Ensure you prepare the following documents and information:

  • Research Proposal: Clearly outline the research plan, project methodology, and intended outcomes.
  • Consumer Involvement Statement: Describe how consumers will be involved in the research.
  • Budget: Provide a detailed budget and justification of how the grant funds will be used.
  • Letters of Support: Include letters from partner organisations confirming their support and contributions.


Applications must be submitted electronically via the NHMRC’s Sapphire system.

Register your interest with GrantHelper to explore your alignment with this grant and how we can assist you to increase your chances of success.

Clinical Trials Activity resources

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