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ARC Discovery Projects Grants


Grants up to $500,000 is available to support research projects addressing knowledge gaps and fostering collaborations nationally and internationally, offering economic, social, and cultural benefits.

What is ARC Discovery Projects Grants?

The Discovery Projects Grants, part of the Australian Research Council’s (ARC) National Competitive Grants Program, aim to support excellent basic, strategic, and applied research across all disciplines, excluding clinical and other medical research. The program encourages research projects that address significant gaps in knowledge and foster collaborations at both national and international levels, providing economic, social, and cultural benefits for Australia.

It has a two-stage application process:

  • Expression of Interest (EOI)
  • Shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit a Full Application

ARC Discovery Projects Grants level of support

  • Minimum Funding: $30,000 per year
  • Maximum Funding: $500,000 per year
  • Grant Duration: Up to five consecutive years

Co-contribution is not required for this grant.

ARC Discovery Projects Grants important dates

  • EOI Open: 31 October 2024
  • EOI Close: 13 December 2024
  • EOI Outcomes Announced: 26 February to 28 February 2025
  • Full Application Open: 5 March 2025
  • Full Application Close: 16 April 2025
  • Anticipated announcement: 16 October to 30 October 2025
  • Register your interest with GrantHelper

ARC Discovery Projects Grants objectives

The Discovery Projects Grant aims to:

  • Support excellent research across various disciplines.
  • Expand Australia’s research capacity by supporting exceptional researchers and research teams.
  • Foster national and international research collaboration.
  • Create new knowledge with potential economic, environmental, social, and cultural benefits.
  • Enhance research focus in Australian Government priority areas.

Projects and expenditure eligible for ARC Discovery Projects Grants support

Eligible projects can receive support for activities directly related to research, including:

  • Salary support for research staff.
  • Stipends for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students.
  • Teaching relief for Chief Investigators (CIs).
  • Travel costs essential to the research project.

Ineligible Expenditures include:

  • Medical research.
  • Experimental development.
  • Contracted research or consultancy arrangements.
  • Capital works and general infrastructure costs.
  • Purchase of mobile phones, visas, and relocation costs.
  • Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) and Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) liabilities for students.

Other ARC Discovery Projects Grants important details that you will need to know

Eligible organisations include:

  • Australian universities and research institutions listed in Appendix B of the program guidelines.


 Ineligible organisations:

  • Organisations listed under the National Redress Scheme that have not joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme.


The application assessment is divided into two stages: Expression of Interest (EOI) and full application (for those shortlisted).

For the EOI stage, the assessment criteria include:

  1. Investigator(s)/Capability (30%)
    • Quality of previous research and ability to lead the proposed project.
    • Evidence of mentorship and research training.
  2. Project Quality and Innovation (70%)
    • Importance of the research in addressing a significant knowledge gap.
    • Novelty and innovation in the proposed methods and design.
    • Potential to generate new knowledge with broad benefits for Australia.


For the full application stage, the assessment criteria expand further:

  1. Investigator(s)/Capability (30%)
    • The team’s research track record and ability to build collaborations.
    • Excellence in research supervision and mentoring.
  2. Project Quality and Innovation (45%)
    • The originality of the research and the potential for significant knowledge contributions.
    • The clarity of the project’s hypotheses, design, and implementation.
  3. Benefit (15%)
    • The research’s potential economic, environmental, or social benefits for Australia.
  4. Feasibility (10%)
    • The project’s cost-effectiveness, environment, and ability to be completed successfully within the proposed timeline.


Applicants must:

  • Read and understand the guidelines.
  • Ensure eligibility for the funding. Applicants that do not meet all the eligibility criteria will not be considered.
  • Demonstrate a strong alignment with the fund’s objectives.
  • Provide complete information requirements.


Ensure you have the following documentation ready:

  • A detailed project plan, including timelines, methodologies, and participant roles.
  • Evidence of previous research achievements, particularly high-quality publications.
  • Certification of eligibility for all named participants and organisations.


See the guidelines for more details of information requirements.

The application process begins with the submission of an Expression of Interest (EOI) via the ARC’s Research Management System (RMS).

Register your interest with GrantHelper to explore your alignment with this grant and how we can assist you to increase your chances of success.

ARC Discovery Projects Grants resources

I need help applying for grants

Our Insights showcase some of the grant-winning methods we employ at GrantHelper, and they will help you create a stronger grant application. But no matter how well prepared you are, winning grants takes time—something we know many business owners and directors just don’t have. And that’s why we’re here to help.

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Our in-depth eBook is the single most valuable resource you will find that helps organisations to truly understand how to win government grants.

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Our free eBook features 12 chapters of expert advice, professional tips and more to help you do better with grants, whether you’re new to the process or you’ve applied before.

Get your copy of the Guide to Winning Grants now.

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