Growing Future Tourism

Woman tourist snorkeling

Funding of up to $4 million to support Queensland tourism operators, not-for-profit organisations and local governments to deliver new and enhanced tourism infrastructure or experiences. Current status of program CLOSED To register your interest in future rounds or discuss alternative grant opportunities please contact us here. On this page you will find What is the Growing […]

Grant Writing With AI

Humans collaborate with Artificial Intelligence

Understand the dual-edged impact of AI in grant writing, encompassing both its limitations and advantages. Explore how AI can revolutionise your grant writing process. Learn about the latest tools and ethical considerations that enhance your applications and boost your odds in competitive funding scenarios.

A profile picture of Steve Dowling

What's on my mind

Hi, I’m Steve Dowling – founder of GrantHelper. I’m a former champion of marketing and export business development turned business builder.

I do a lot of thinking and reading around grants, strategy, and funding. I send a weekly & monthly newsletter with what’s on my mind on this stuff.


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