Quantum Industry Growth Programs


The Australian Government has committed grant funding from the National Reconstruction Fund to support the following two initiatives or programs to grow Australia’s quantum sector.

The two grant programs are:

What is the Quantum Industry Growth Program

The Quantum Industry Growth Program will adopt an “open competitive process” to award grants under the grant programs.

These new initiatives (announced as part of the 2023-24 Budget) are intended to grow Australia’s quantum ecosystem over 4 years by:

  • supporting collaborative research and development 
  • undertaking education and awareness activities
  • increasing international collaboration, export and investment 
  • demonstrating Australian capability
  • driving demand and uptake of quantum technologies

Important dates

  • The Australian Centre for Quantum Growth is currently open and will close 24 January 2024.
  • The Critical Technologies Challenges Program is expected to be available from early 2024.
  • Register your interest here with GrantHelper.

QIGP important details that you will need to know

Quantum technology is a cutting-edge scientific field that leverages the peculiar properties of quantum mechanics to develop revolutionary technologies. By manipulating and harnessing quantum systems, such as particles and waves, researchers aim to create faster and more secure computers, communication networks, and sensors.


Quantum technology is important because it has the potential to revolutionize various fields and provide significant advancements in computing, communication, sensing, and cryptography. It has the potential to disrupt and enhance various sectors, transforming the way we compute, communicate, and understand the world around us.


The two programs are the first grant programs to be initiated under The National Quantum Strategy published on 3 May 2023. The strategy sets out a long-term vision for how Australia will take advantage of the opportunities of quantum technologies. The National Quantum Strategy has been developed to underpin economic and social potential of Australia’s quantum industry.

Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr Cathy Foley AO PSM, led development of the strategy and says the emerging technology has potential to shape all facets of Australian industry, indicating that CSIRO estimates that the industry “could be worth as much as $6.1 billion and employ 19,000 Australians by 2045”.


Current status of the Quantum Industry Growth Program

The Australian Centre for Quantum Growth is currently open until January 2024.

The Critical Technologies Challenges Program is in early stage development, and currently undergoing public consultation to check the design of the program and confirm exactly how it will be delivered. The grant guidelines will then be developed.

Australian Centre for Quantum Growth

The Australian Centre for Quantum Growth will provide grant funding over four years. This is available for a consortium of organisations to create a national centre that will undertake industry growth activities.

These activities might include supporting collaborative R&D opportunities, undertaking education and awareness activities, increasing international collaboration, export and investment opportunities.

Learn more …

Critical Technologies Challenges Program

The critical technologies challenge program will provide up to $36 million in grant funding to address challenges of national significance using quantum technologies, potentially in conjunction with other critical technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence.

This grant is expected to be delivered under two challenge rounds, each comprising two stages.

It will be open to the quantum industry players, adopting a challenge-based innovation approach to drive cooperation and collaboration between quantum researchers, startups and the wider community.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Adopt Program

Co-related to these initiatives is the government’s AI Adopt Program.

The AI Adopt Program provides funding to establish up to five AI Adopt Centres to support small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that engage in international and interstate trade to adopt responsible AI-enabled services and enhance their businesses.

Grants of $3 million to $5 million are available on a matched funding basis.

This program is currently open and will close 29 January 2024.

Learn more …


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